Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is crucial for recovery after a car accident, auto injury, sports injury, or surgery. It helps improve mobility, reduce pain, and restore function to the affected area. The physical therapy department located in Orlando, Central Flor

Physical Therapy
in the Orlando Area

At Orlando City Health & Wellness, we are excited to introduce Physical Therapy as a key service aimed at enhancing our patients' overall health and well-being. Our team is committed to providing personalized care and comprehensive treatment plans tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual. Whether you're recovering from an injury, managing chronic pain, or seeking to improve your mobility and function, our skilled therapists are here to support you every step of the way. Through a combination of manual therapy techniques, therapeutic exercises, and patient education, we strive to empower our patients to achieve their optimal level of physical function and regain control over their health.

We accept
major insurances.

We proudly accept all auto insurance and most major health insurance. We have affordable self-pay options as well.

What to Know Before Your Appointment


  • We accept most major health insurance! Give us a call for a complimentary benefits check

  • We accept all auto-insurance

  • Complimenrary 10-min consultations are available

  • Same Day Appointments

Physical Therapy Plan of Care

  1. Pain Relief - The goal of this treatment is to decrease pain and inflammation and improve your quality of life. 

  2. Stabilization Care - Provide education on proper body mechanics and ergonomics to prevent future injuries.

  3. Wellness/Maintenance Care - The goal is to transition you to a maintenance program to sustain the progress achieved.

Preparing for New Patient Exam

To make sure your Physical Therapy New Patient Exam goes smoothly, gather up any medical records you have like past treatments, imaging results, and referrals from your doctor. Be ready to chat about your current symptoms, medical history, and any goals or concerns you have about your physical function and mobility. Wear something comfy that lets you move easily during the exam. Try to arrive a few minutes early to fill out the paperwork and share your insurance info to keep things moving smoothly. These steps help you get the most out of your exam and set the stage for effective treatment and rehab.

During the New Patient Exam

During a Physical Therapy New Patient Exam, patients can anticipate a comprehensive assessment aimed at understanding their current physical condition and health concerns. This typically involves discussing their medical history, current symptoms, and any specific goals they have for physical therapy. The therapist will likely conduct various tests and evaluations to assess strength, flexibility, range of motion, and areas of discomfort. After the examination, patients can expect a detailed explanation of the findings and a personalized treatment plan tailored to address their needs.

Wellness services
from providers who care.

Discover the exceptional care and expertise our team at Orlando City Health & Wellness brings to every patient.

Benefits of Physical Therapy

Physical therapy offers a multitude of benefits for individuals recovering from injuries, managing chronic conditions, or seeking to improve their overall physical function and mobility. Through personalized treatment plans, physical therapists help patients regain strength, flexibility, and range of motion, facilitating a quicker and more effective recovery process. Physical therapy interventions such as therapeutic exercises, manual therapy techniques, and modalities like ultrasound and electrical stimulation can help alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and promote tissue healing.

Moreover, physical therapists educate patients on proper body mechanics, ergonomics, and injury prevention strategies, empowering them to take an active role in their health and well-being. Whether addressing post-surgical rehabilitation, sports injuries, neurological conditions, or musculoskeletal disorders, physical therapy promotes optimal functioning and enhances the quality of life for individuals of all ages and abilities.

What Does Physical Therapy Treat?

Physical therapy is a versatile healthcare modality that treats a wide range of conditions affecting the musculoskeletal, neurological, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems. It is commonly utilized to rehabilitate individuals recovering from orthopedic surgeries such as joint replacements or ligament repairs, helping them regain strength, mobility, and function. Physical therapy also addresses sports injuries, chronic pain conditions like back pain and arthritis, neurological disorders such as stroke or Parkinson's disease, and respiratory issues like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Additionally, physical therapists play a crucial role in managing conditions like fibromyalgia, balance disorders, and postural dysfunction, offering tailored treatment plans to address each patient's unique needs and goals. Through a combination of therapeutic exercises, manual therapy techniques, patient education, and modalities, physical therapy promotes optimal health, mobility, and quality of life for individuals across the lifespan.

Physical Therapy & Chiropractic Care

Physical therapy and chiropractic care are complementary healthcare modalities that focus on improving musculoskeletal health and promoting overall well-being. While physical therapy emphasizes rehabilitation and functional restoration through targeted exercises, manual therapy techniques, and modalities, chiropractic care primarily focuses on spinal adjustments and manipulations to restore proper alignment and function of the spine and nervous system.

Together, these modalities offer a comprehensive approach to musculoskeletal care, addressing both structural and functional issues that contribute to pain, dysfunction, and impaired mobility. Patients often benefit from receiving physical therapy and chiropractic care in conjunction, as each modality offers unique benefits and can enhance the effectiveness of the other, leading to improved outcomes and a faster return to optimal health and function.

Physical Therapy
in Orlando, Florida

If you're experiencing pain, injury, or any other condition, Physical Therapy could offer relief. Contact our team in Orlando to arrange a consultation with our practitioners and assess which service is the right choice for you.