Are Thoracic Spinal Subluxations Causing Your Indigestion, Gastric Reflux, GallStones or Abdominal Distress?

Is your spine causing your indigestion, high blood pressure, difficulty breathing or digestive issues?

The mid-back (thoracic) spine consists of 12 vertebrae and if you have Spinal Subluxation (misalignment of the spine) in the thoracic region you can have symptoms that range from asthma and gastric reflux to abdominal distress or an upset stomach!

If you suffer from any of the symptoms we are covering in our blog this week, we encourage you to have your spine checked by your Chiropractic Physician because your spine may be the underlying cause of your symptoms.

In this series, we’re going to go over each specific area of the spine and how it can affect you due to misalignment. There are typically 5 areas of concern where Spinal Subluxations occur: Cervical Spine, Thoracic Spine, Lumbar Spine, Sacrum, and Coccyx; this week we’re going to cover the first 6 Thoracic vertebrae and how spinal subluxations may cause the following effects.

As mentioned above, there are 12 thoracic vertebrae in your spine. Today we are going to cover the first 6 thoracic vertebrae (T1-T6)

  • T1 – The areas this vertebrae effects are the upper extremities from the elbows down (hands, wrists, and fingers), as well as the esophagus and trachea (part of the airway system carrying oxygen-rich air to the lungs). This could present itself as a cough, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, and/or general pain in the upper extremities including numbness in the arms, or upper extremity.

  • T2 – The areas this vertebrae effects are the heart valves and pericardium (double-layered membrane surrounding the heart), as well as your coronary arteries. This could present itself as certain chest conditions and/or functional heart conditions.

  • T3 – The areas this vertebrae effects are lungs, chest, bronchial tubes, and pleural cavity. This could present itself as pleurisy (when the two large, but thin, layers of tissue separating the lungs from the chest wall become inflamed), pneumonia, congestion, bronchitis, and/or influenza.

  • T4– The areas this vertebrae effects are the gall bladder & common duct (small tube-like structure that carries bile from the gallbladder to the upper part of the small intestine). This could present itself as jaundice (yellowing of the skin or whites of eyes), shingles (painful rash), and/or other gall bladder conditions including Gall Stones.

  • T5 – The areas this vertebrae effects are your celiac plexus, liver, and even your blood. This could present itself as low blood pressure, anemia, poor circulation, fevers, arthritis, and/or other liver conditions.

  • T6– The areas this vertebrae effects is the stomach. This could present itself as IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), indigestion, heartburn, reflux, and/or other stomach conditions.

Orlando City Health & Wellness wants to make sure that everyone can live a life free from subluxation, dysfunction, and pain. If you or your friends & family members are experiencing ANY of these symptoms, we encourage you to give our office a call for your FREE CONSULTATION!

Phone: 407-504-0117


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